Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Signs of spring?

Miss K reported that the groundhog did not see his shadow, and therefore we would have an early spring. Immediately thereafter, we got socked with three snow storms.

This morning on the way to school, Miss K noted some of our icicles are gone, and those we took off the house between snow storms are now exposed again in the yard. The grass is now poking through the snow at the edges of sidewalks in places. We walked to school without heavy jackets (though boots because of lots of snow on many sidewalks). Miss K also noted that the air smelled different. Indeed, there's a bit more humidity in the air today.

1 comment:

  1. Spring plays peek-a-boo, doesn't it? When I lived in snow country, I always enjoyed watching that first blush of green turn into grass.

    Even here, on the west coast, spring smells and feels different. For that matter, so does fall.
